oHello now offers lower rates. Get more minutes by dialing a local access number instead of the toll-free number!
oHello's nationwide local access capability helps 90% of our customers achieve substantial savings.*
It's easy to start saving. Mobile phone users will save now by calling one of the local access numbers shown below. Find your landline access number instantly by entering your phone number in the fields provided. Use it on your next oHello phone call and start saving!
Use this Local Access Number when calling from U.S.A. using a mobile phone with unlimited long distance
Access Number
Region, State
(213) 221-4226
Los Angeles, CA
Use these Local Access Numbers when Calling from U.S.A. and Canada using a landline phone or a mobile phone
Access Number
Region, State
1 (201) 490-2554
Hackensack, NJ
1 (203) 401-8736
New Haven, CT
1 (206) 274-0192
Seattle, WA
1 (208) 639-2083
Boise, ID
1 (213) 221-4226
Los Angeles, CA
1 (214) 224-0405
Dallas, TX
1 (216) 255-5594
Cleveland, OH
1 (225) 754-4470
Baton Rouge, LA
1 (240) 638-0627
Washington, MD
1 (240) 776-3003
La Plata, MD
1 (240) 794-0105
Lexington Park-Great, MD
1 (267) 275-0820
Philadelphia, PA
1 (305) 777-8802
Miami, FL
1 (310) 361-6112
Compton, CA
1 (312) 698-9118
Chicago, IL
1 (313) 281-1245
Detroit, MI
1 (314) 732-0389
St Louis, MO
1 (321) 332-0104
Orlando, FL
1 (336) 790-8647
Greensboro, NC
1 (347) 427-9923
New York, NY
1 (347) 632-5512
New York, NY
1 (386) 269-1000
Lake City, FL
1 (404) 969-1451
Atlanta, GA
1 (408) 521-1527
San Jose, CA
1 (415) 704-1210
San Francisco, CA
1 (425) 609-9414
Everett, WA
1 (435) 535-0920
Smithfield, UT
1 (443) 577-4319
Glenburnie, MD
1 (480) 588-0308
Phoenix, AZ
1 (502) 410-5784
Louisville, KY
1 (503) 922-4654
Portland, OR
1 (508) 536-5223
Fall River, MA
1 (508) 630-1304
Marlboro, MA
1 (512) 366-9503
Austin, TX
1 (541) 504-6055
Redmond, OR
1 (561) 208-3763
Boca Raton, FL
1 (561) 584-9033
West Palm Beach, FL
1 (585) 302-4858
Perry, NY
1 (603) 217-4190
Bristol, NH
1 (604) 484-0650
Vancouver, Bc, BC
1 (607) 216-4730
Ithaca, NY
1 (609) 359-9282
Ewing, NJ
1 (610) 879-2047
Philadelphia, PA
1 (612) 548-2980
Twin Cities, MN
1 (615) 866-1812
Nashville, TN
1 (616) 773-1005
Grand Rapids, MI
1 (617) 848-2811
Boston, MA
1 (623) 298-3661
Phoenix, AZ
1 (630) 929-2804
Downers Grove, IL
1 (651) 204-3708
Twin Cities, MN
1 (678) 713-5692
Atlanta, GA
1 (703) 651-3645
Dulles, VA
1 (703) 740-4507
Washington, VA
1 (704) 771-1038
Matthews, NC
1 (706) 749-1126
Eatonton, GA
1 (713) 589-7202
Houston, TX
1 (714) 276-6261
Anaheim, CA
1 (720) 496-4563
Denver, CO
1 (734) 418-3422
Ann Arbor, MI
1 (773) 797-9400
Chicago, IL
1 (813) 639-8777
Tampa Central, FL
1 (816) 332-6028
Kansas City, MO
1 (845) 267-1038
Congers, NY
1 (847) 756-3870
Barrington, IL
1 (860) 256-4748
Hartford (Trumbull), CT
1 (860) 367-8446
Norwich, CT
1 (904) 302-6555
Jacksonville, FL
1 (908) 737-7503
Elizabeth, NJ
1 (909) 563-2507
Ontario, CA
1 (914) 509-4616
Westchester, NY
1 (919) 636-4518
Chapel Hill, NC
1 (919) 741-6294
Raleigh, NC
1 (941) 306-3029
Sarasota, FL
1 (949) 528-1015
Saddleback Valley, CA
1 (952) 513-4330
Twin Cities, MN
1 (954) 302-8436
Fort Lauderdale, FL
1 (954) 302-8468
Fort Lauderdale, FL
*Using local access numbers will only be cost effective if the access number is a local call from the phone that is originating the connection. NOT ALL CALLS WITHIN THE SAME AREA CODE ARE NECESSARILY LOCAL CALLS. If you are unsure whether an access number is a local call for you, please contact your local telephone service provider.